Daily Archives: June 8, 2020

June 8th – Morning Meeting, Weekly Calendar, and Field Day Materials

Good Morning!  Happy last week of school!  It is hard to believe that we are here already!  I hope you all have a great final week!  You certainly deserve it!


Here is our final weekly calendar! ->. June 8 – June 11


This week, I am primarily going to be asking the children to complete their reflection kites.  They have worked hard all year, so I am excited to let them have a great final week to celebrate all of their hard work.


I have scheduled a Zoom for today.  This is more just to spend some time together.  I am going to ask the children to share some of their plans, or “bucket list” items for summer.  I have sent out an email with a list of all of the zoom meetings for the week.


Here is a list of materials that the children will need to complete the activities for field day.Materials for Field Day 2020


I hope you all have an amazing final Monday!