Just For Fun

Here are some suggestions of activities that you could do, just for fun!  Let me know if you’ve tried one of these ideas, or send me a picture to show the class!

  • Build A Fort and Read to a stuffed animal in your fort
  • Run 3 laps around your house

  • Ask an adult to help you make a recipe.  Make sure that you do all the measuring!
  • Skip Count Exercises (jumping jacks by 5’s, 10’s, 25’s, etc)
  • Complete a scavenger hunt of the alphabet.  See if you can find an object in your house that starts with each letter.
  • Facetime a friend or family member and read them a book.
  • Find a measuring tool and see if you can find 10 objects in your house that are one foot, or 12 inches long.
  • Make some frozen juice pops with a paper cup and plastic spoon, and teach someone at home about solids, liquids and gases.
  • Play and Eye Spy Game with someone in your family