Monthly Archives: June 2020

June 9th – Morning Meeting

Happy Tuesday!!!  I hope everyone had a great start to the week!  Today, keep up the good work with your reflection kites!  I LOVED seeing them!  I am also hoping to see you all at the Zoom with Mrs Ballou and Mrs. Charles this morning.  This should be a quick one!

Otherwise, I hope you all have an incredible day!  2.5 to go!!!

June 8th – Morning Meeting, Weekly Calendar, and Field Day Materials

Good Morning!  Happy last week of school!  It is hard to believe that we are here already!  I hope you all have a great final week!  You certainly deserve it!


Here is our final weekly calendar! ->. June 8 – June 11


This week, I am primarily going to be asking the children to complete their reflection kites.  They have worked hard all year, so I am excited to let them have a great final week to celebrate all of their hard work.


I have scheduled a Zoom for today.  This is more just to spend some time together.  I am going to ask the children to share some of their plans, or “bucket list” items for summer.  I have sent out an email with a list of all of the zoom meetings for the week.


Here is a list of materials that the children will need to complete the activities for field day.Materials for Field Day 2020


I hope you all have an amazing final Monday!

June 5th – Morning Meeting

Good morning!  Well done, second grade!  You have 3 1/2 days left!  I would love to see you post a picture of your habitat poster, when it is finished!


If you contacted me, or I reached out to you, today is the day to pick up your pencil box, from the school.  Someone will be there until 2:30.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!  We will have a much lighter week next week.  The children will be working on their memory books, reflection kites, field day and a reading celebration!  As always, thank you for all that you continue to do!

June 4th – Morning Meeting

Good Morning Everyone!  Happy Thursday!  Today, the children will be practicing fractions of a set with doughnuts!  I hope they have fun with that!  They will also hopefully be wrapping up their habitat research, as well!  They have been doing a great job!  There are two virtual field trips on the same post today.  One is with killer whales, and the other with porcupine fish!  Also, check out the reading celebration video, below!  Our kiddos did a great job, helping out with this!

Also, here is some information about our Virtual Field Day!

Family Field Day Letter

June 3rd – Morning Meeting

Good morning!  Looks like a drizzly day outside today.

Today, the children will be working on their habitat posters.  They should be pretty comfortable finding adaptations that are true for most animals in their habitats, or picking one NEW animal to talk about their adaptations.  They will also have more fraction practice.

There is a zoom today, for math questions.  This will not be a lesson, but more of a discussion of any concerns, or difficulties the children may be having.  So, drop in, if they have questions.

Also, check out the cool live jellyfish cam – posted as an optional assignment!

Thank you to all that participated in the sing-along yesterday!  You guys were flexible and amazing!  I am so proud of you!

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!

June 2nd – Morning Meeting

Good morning everyone!  Phew, I couldn’t tell if it was spring, or fall yesterday.  There certainly was a chill in the air.  It feels much the same, this morning.  Hoping it will warm up a little.

Today, we have our sing-along zoom, for the reading movie!  I hope to see all of the second graders there!  It. should be a lot of fun, singing with our buddies!

The children will get to make pizza today, to practice fractions!  They will also have the option of a “whale” activity!

Wishing you all an amazing day!

June 1 – Weekly Calendar and Morning Meeting

Happy June!  It is crazy to think that we are entering out 12th week of remote learning!  Wow!  How far we have come!  Again, thank you for all of your support, with your wonderful kiddos!  I could not be more proud of them!

Weekly Schedule -> June 1 – June 5

Today, we will participate in a webinar from the Aquarium of the Pacific, on sharks.  This should be fun!  I have also sent an email with zoom updates for the week.  All of these zooms are optional, but should be some fun experiences!  Just a reminder, if your second grader wants to contribute to the reading video, please make sure to get those videos to me, by today!

Each day, the children will be working on a research project. They will be completing one part of that poster, each day.  The research options are listed on Seesaw and our PDF page.  The children will also complete a fraction activity, in Seesaw, each day.  Finally, they will have an optional Ocean activity each day, as well.  These are fun activities, and I am excited to share them with you!

Wishing you all an amazing final, full week of learning!