Daily Archives: September 5, 2018

First Day!

Wow!  What a great, but super toasty, first day of school! Thank you for all of the wonderful donations to our classroom!  We will  be doing a lot of table washing with the wonderful disinfecting wipes, and the childrens’ noses thank you for the soft tissues!  Also, a big thank you for all the wonderful classroom supplies, as well.  The children were excited to add some of their own supplies to their boxes!  Another BIG thank you for returning almost all of the forms that I sent home over the summer!  I apologize for the hassle of filling them out.  However, it is so important, to me, to keep your children safe.  I take dismissals very seriously, so thank you for keeping me updated on how your second graders are being dismissed.  Although I try to check email throughout the day, if you ever need to change dismissal procedures, please contact the office, and they will update me.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your second graders, or our classroom, please feel free to contact me at ANY time.


We had a fun first day.  Although I jokingly told the kids that it is the most they will hear me talk, all year.  There are so many nuts and bolts to cover, so I end up talking, a lot…  We covered a lot today, and still had some time for some fun activities, as well!  It was fun to watch the nervous kiddos start to relax, and for some smiles to grow on their faces throughout the day.  We started the day with a fire drill, followed by the welcome back assembly.  From there the children went out for recess, and had a snack.  We had a small amount of time to take a classroom tour, before we headed to the cafeteria for lunch.  In the afternoon,, we read a story about the Best School Year Yet!  This is a silly book about “wishes” for the school year.  These range from serious wishes that could happen, to chocolate water fountains and field trips to the moon.  The children then created their own illustrations and sentences for their ideas of what would make the best school year yet.  It was fun to see their ideas!  Next, we used Skittles to get to know each other.  Children drew skittles out of a bag, and depending on the color they chose, they had a specific topic to tell their table about.  It was a pretty fun and tasty activity for the children!  Finally, we ended the day in the library.  Our library day is Tuesday!  It was a “cool” way to end a toasty day.  Some of the children brought their books home with them.  If they did, please make sure that they return them by next Tuesday, so they are able to check out others.


Its a great idea for the children to bring a water bottle to school, that they can keep at their seat.  It was quite warm today, and the children were thirsty!  You probably noticed the green Home/School folder that came home.  This folder should travel back and forth from home to school.  You can place any notes, lunch money, homework, etc. into this folder, daily.  We will check it daily.  Hopefully the children enjoyed their “homework” tonight!


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