Daily Archives: August 23, 2018

Welcome Back

Dear Second Grade Families,


I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!!  I can’t wait to hear all about your summertime adventures. My family and I have had a great summer! We have had many fun experiences that I can’t wait to share with you.  I am also excited to hear all about yours!  I hope you are excited to return to school this fall as second graders.  I can’t wait to see you all again!


I have spent a lot of time setting up our classroom and am very excited about sharing the room with you.  We have a great space, and I can’t wait to have lots of fun learning experiences in it!  I hope you are eager to see old friends and make new ones.  We have a great class and I can’t wait to get to know all of you better!


Our classroom is stocked with the supplies you will need for all of our learning adventures this year, so you do not need to worry about bringing any supplies with you.  However, back-to-school supply shopping can be exciting – so if you’ve already purchased some of your own supplies you can certainly bring them in. We will be using lots of pencils, erasers, crayons/colored pencils and glue sticks, but we have everything you should need.  I have a pencil box for each of you, that I have stocked with supplies.  I will also have a Home/School folder that will travel home, and back to school each day. Students will need a backpack, and a snack each day. They can either bring a lunch or purchase one each day, as well.  I would also recommend bringing a water bottle to keep them well hydrated throughout the day.


Throughout the year we go through an extensive amount of disinfectant cleaning wipes (I try to use “green”, non-toxic wipes that are safe for all the growing bodies and minds) and softtissues – especially during stuffy-nose season – so donations of these items are always GREATLY appreciated!!  I try to keep us well stocked, but we do go through A LOT of these throughout the year, so donations are always appreciated!


I hope you all enjoy the last few days of your summer vacation and are ready to have some awesome adventures this school year. If you could please complete the enclosed forms and return them to school on the first day, I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at jennifer.prive@sau19.org.



Mrs. Prive