Monthly Archives: April 2017

We spent the afternoon on the Friday before vacation watching Disney’s Earth movie.  What an amazing movie!  It was a great way to spend the day before Earth Day, and to have the children thinking about different biomes, which we will begin some research on, after vacation!

We started using an app called Vocabulary/Spelling City.  This program can also be used as a web-based program from home computers or devices.  The children have individual logins and can practice their spelling, vocabulary and high frequency words through this program.  The kids are having a lot of fun practicing their words this way.

Basketball Addition

We played a fun new game called Basketball Addition today.  The children practiced a similar skill for homework today.  We also played the digital version on ConnectEd this afternoon.  The kids will continue to practice this for iPad rotations this week.


New Boston spotlights on Grace Lin’s blog!

We were very excited about Grace Lin”s visit, earlier in the year.  It was fun to see all of NBCS’s work spotlighted on her blog!

Our class wrote about what they consider their “fortunes”, on their hands, and then wrote a question, that they would as the Old Man of the Moon, if they could ask him just one question.  They then attached the two with a red thread.  I was proud of the children for the questions they asked, and f0r the things they considered their fortunes.  They gave a lot of thought, and put a lot of heart into this activity.