Daily Archives: February 2, 2017

Note from the Nurse…

FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE:  FLU SEASON IS UPON US!  In addition to the high fevers and respiratory issues of flu-like illness, I’m also seeing children with nausea/vomiting, especially in the younger grades.  PLEASE KEEP SICK CHILDREN AT HOME!  Your cooperation helps limit the spread of illness to other community members.  Remember that any child with fever over 100 should remain out of school until 24 hours after the fever is gone WITHOUT the use of Tylenol or Advil.  Likewise, children should remain at home for at least 24 hours after the last bout of vomiting.

  • A few of our kiddos have been struck by some icky viruses, including a confirmed case of Strep.  We have been trying to be diligent with hand-washing and surface cleaning.  We are starting to run low on disinfectant wipes (as we are trying to wipe surfaces more regularly).  I have been soooooo grateful for all of the donations we received at the beginning of the year.  They have kept our surfaces clean thus far!  We would love a few donations, so we can keep our surfaces clean, regularly.  Thank you so much, in advance!