This Week in Wonders…


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This week, we will continue to work on identifying characters and setting in a story.  We will have a stronger focus on finding key details.  We will continue to work on the skill of visualizing, as this is such an important comprehension skill, and this has been tricky for some of us.  We have been working on separating our background knowledge, or what we already know about a topic, and what has actually happened in a story.  Sometimes when we make pictures in our head as we read, we insert “extra” information, based on what we already have in our minds.  We need to be careful when we do this, because this can also distort the meaning.  Applying background information can be a huge help, but it is important to know how to separate that from what we have actually read.


In small group, we are reading a narrative nonfiction book.  The kids have loved the topic, and we have had a lot of conversation about captions, and other nonfiction text features.  It was pretty exciting for the kids to realize that the captions are actually linked to the pictures, and not just random facts.  We had a lot of “lightbulb” moments with this – so fun to be a part of!


We will also continue to work on nouns and verbs.  By being able to identify nouns and verbs, we will better be able to apply those skills to identify the subject and predicate in a sentence.

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