First Week!

We had a great first week of school!  It went by so incredibly fast, because we were so busy!  The first week of school is mostly about getting back in the swing of being in school, and in a classroom full time again.  It is always an adjustment, for all of us.  We completed some “check-ins” to determine the children’s current levels, in math, as well as some literacy.  We also started to talk about, and practice A LOT of routines.  This will help to build a foundation, so that the children will know what is expected in our classroom.  We practiced using tools, like scissors, glue sticks and coloring utensils.  We even completed our first STEAM activity!


This upcoming week, will be about more routine building.  The children will start to see what a “typical” day looks like in second grade, now that we’ve gotten all those first week jitters out.  We will begin to set up our day, with literacy and math groups.  This week we will practice with some spelling words.  The children will not bring any home to practice.  We like to do the first week of practice together, so that the children will know what to expect when they bring them home…maybe next week.


If you haven’t subscribed to our blog yet, please do so!  It will send you a notice whenever I update our blog.  I try to do so regularly, and give you a snapshot of our week,  and the activities we are working on.  I am still working on getting some photo permissions, to post some pictures, and will hopefully get some glimpses into our room posted this week.  If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your 2nd grader, please do not hesitate to contact me at ANY time!


I look forward to an amazing first full week with the children!  I hope you all had a great weekend!

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