Monthly Archives: September 2017

This Week in Wonders

This week in Wonders, we are continuing to establish some routines .  These routines will carry us throughout the year.  This process takes a little longer, but it becomes helpful to have solid routines, that are predictable, then the children can focus on the product, rather than the process.  Throughout unit one, we will continue to add components of the program gradually, as the children become more solid with each piece.  I have been impressed with how well the children have done thus far.

First Week!

We had a great first week of school!  It went by so incredibly fast, because we were so busy!  The first week of school is mostly about getting back in the swing of being in school, and in a classroom full time again.  It is always an adjustment, for all of us.  We completed some “check-ins” to determine the children’s current levels, in math, as well as some literacy.  We also started to talk about, and practice A LOT of routines.  This will help to build a foundation, so that the children will know what is expected in our classroom.  We practiced using tools, like scissors, glue sticks and coloring utensils.  We even completed our first STEAM activity!


This upcoming week, will be about more routine building.  The children will start to see what a “typical” day looks like in second grade, now that we’ve gotten all those first week jitters out.  We will begin to set up our day, with literacy and math groups.  This week we will practice with some spelling words.  The children will not bring any home to practice.  We like to do the first week of practice together, so that the children will know what to expect when they bring them home…maybe next week.


If you haven’t subscribed to our blog yet, please do so!  It will send you a notice whenever I update our blog.  I try to do so regularly, and give you a snapshot of our week,  and the activities we are working on.  I am still working on getting some photo permissions, to post some pictures, and will hopefully get some glimpses into our room posted this week.  If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your 2nd grader, please do not hesitate to contact me at ANY time!


I look forward to an amazing first full week with the children!  I hope you all had a great weekend!


Wowzers!  I cannot thank you all, enough for all of the generous donations of disinfectant wipes, soft tissues and paper towels, to our classroom!  It sure was a welcome sight!  However, in the business of the first day of school, I neglected to write everyone’s name down who brought in such generous donations.  So, please forgive me for not sending out handwritten “thank you’s”!  I don’t want to leave anyone out!  Please know how very grateful I am, and your littles will be to have clean tables, and soft tissues to wipes their noses with!

The Night Before 2nd Grade!

I hope all my wonderful second graders are snug, and sleeping in their beds!  I am so excited (and a little nervous) about this new school year!  We have such a great group, and I cannot wait to get to know them better!  We are going to have lots of fun, and I am so excited to see all the growth they will make this year!  Keep an eye on our blog to see all the great things we will be doing!

Welcome Back!

Dear Second Grade Families,


I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!! I can’t wait to hear all about your summertime adventures. My family and I have had a great summer! We have had many fun experiences that I can’t wait to share with you. I am also excited to hear all about yours! I hope you are excited to return to school this fall as second graders. I can’t wait to see you all again!


I have spent a lot of time setting up our classroom and am very excited about sharing the room with you. We have a great space, and I can’t wait to have lots of fun learning experiences in it! I hope you are eager to see old friends and make new ones. We have a great class and I can’t wait to get to know all of you better!


Our classroom is stocked with the supplies you will need for all of our learning adventures this year, so you do not need to worry about bringing any supplies with you. However, back-to-school supply shopping can be exciting – so if you’ve already purchased some of your own supplies you can certainly bring them in. We will be using lots of pencils, erasers, crayons/colored pencils and glue sticks, but we have everything you should need. I have a pencil box for each of you, that I have stocked with supplies. I will also have a Home/School folder that will travel home, and back to school each day. Students will need a backpack, and a snack each day. They can either bring a lunch or purchase one each day, as well. I would also recommend bringing a water bottle to keep them well hydrated throughout the day.


Throughout the year we go through an extensive amount of disinfectant cleaning wipes (I try to use “green”, non-toxic wipes that are safe for all the growing bodies and minds) and soft tissues – especially during stuffy-nose season – so donations of these items are always GREATLY appreciated!! I try to keep us well stocked, but we do go through A LOT of these throughout the year, so donations are always appreciated!


I hope you all enjoy the last few days of your summer vacation and are ready to have some awesome adventures this school year. If you could please complete the enclosed forms and return them to school on the first day, I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at