Monthly Archives: January 2017

Force and Motion

Wow! What a great end to the week we had! I was so impressed with the children this Friday! We had a busy week, getting back into routines and back on schedule. Friday is typically a little busier, but boy, the kids were on target! During the week, we did a lot of reading of nonfiction text. We practiced identifying features of nonfiction text, and gathering information from them. We also talked about the author’s purpose for writing them. The focus of these readings was force and motion. We learned some definitions for force, friction, motion, push and pull, and gravity. We will continue with these concepts this week.

For our STEM challenge, the children learned about controls and variables. We have talked about these concepts in the past, but this week we gave them a name. We will start to use this vocabulary on a regular basis with our STEAM challenges and projects. For the first part of the STEM activity, children had to test how surfaces with varying amounts of friction changed the distance and speed at which a vehicle traveled. We talked about how the controls were the kind of vehicle used, and the force used to push the vehicle. Those should stay relatively the same. We had some interesting results! Second, we tested to see how raising the height from which a vehicle traveled down a ramp would change the speed and distance the vehicle traveled. This was a lot of fun!

We ended the day with a film that reviewed all of these concepts. It was a really great way to end the week!


Stop, name your feelings, calm down…

On Friday, Mrs. Brown came and taught us a lesson on how to regulate our feelings.  She taught us a very catchy song (that has perpetually played in my head since then), and  a dance to help us remember.  The song teaches the children that their first job, when they feel a strong emotion, is to STOP.  Next, they practiced putting a name to the feeling that they had.  Last, they chose strategies to help them calm down.  I’m sure if you ask your second grader they would love to sing the song (and maybe even do a little dance for you).  Watch out though, it will be stuck in your head! 🙂

This Week in Wonders…

This week in Wonders we have been focusing on long /a/ spelling patterns.  It can be tricky to focus on all of these patterns at once, especially the first week back from vacation.  This week we have also continued to practice identifying and using verbs.  This has also given us the opportunity to practice and review nouns, as well.  This week we have introduced, and will be practicing contractions.  We will continue to learn more, next week, as well.

Polar Express Party!

The day before winter break, the children were invited to a Polar Express Party!  After receiving an invitation for “homework”, the children all came to school in their pajamas, and with some snuggly blankets, as well as a buzz of excitement!  After wrapping up some crafts, and tying up some loose ends, we headed across the hall to Mrs. Gallegos’ room to join another second grade for our party!  The children were welcomed to the room by Conductor Stokes, got their tickets punched, and found a cozy spot to watch the movie.  We took a brief break for recess to stretch our legs, and returned to the room for some popcorn and some “hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate”, as the movie suggests!  Ms. Underwood even delivered a special box from the North Pole.  It was a great day, and a great way to kick off the Winter Break!


Lighten Up! Presentation

Before winter break, we were lucky enough to have Jackie Perrin deliver a great presentation to the children.  She gave a wonderful presentation on energy conservation, energy efficiency and some tips that children can use at home.  She also provided some background on renewable and nonrenewable resources, as well as origins of where and how energy is created.  The children were engaged and excited to participate in this presentation.  They were also intrigued by the different kinds of light bulbs that Jackie brought with her to share.