Grace Lin Visit!

I am sure that you have heard about the read aloud book that our class, and school, has read, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.  The children absolutely loved this book.  In fact, I purchased the sequel, which we will begin reading shortly.  The wonderful thing about this book, is that the entire school has read the same book, and you can see the themes of this book running throughout our PBIS challenges and our classroom bulletin boards.  We were very fortunate to have Grace Lin, the author, visit the school this week.  The children were very excited!  Her presentation was inspiring; talking about where her inspiration came from, and sharing a “reader’s theatre” version of her writing.  Make sure you ask your second grader about her visit!  Order forms were also sent home to purchase her books.  I know that many of our classmates were very excited about that!  Her books have been in high demand from the library.

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