One Inch Robots…

This week’s STEAM activity involved some math practice.  This week in math, we were working on measurement.  We practiced measuring to the nearest unit (foot, inch, centimeter).  We also talked about how we can recognize and utilize objects that we could use to measure (i.e. a foot may be close to 12 inches).  Our STEAM activity this week was for children to create a robot with a purpose.  The children used a one inch template square to sketch/create their robots.  They first created a plan for creation, then utilized a template to draft their design.  Once their design was complete they measured their designs.  The children were also asked to have a purpose for their robot.  The children had some pretty interesting designs, and it was intriguing to hear why they wanted to create their robots.  We had designs to do homework, pick up trash outside, and spying robots.  I wish I had one to do my family’s laundry this week. 🙂

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