Polar Express Party!

The day before winter break, the children were invited to a Polar Express Party!  After receiving an invitation for “homework”, the children all came to school in their pajamas, and with some snuggly blankets, as well as a buzz of excitement!  After wrapping up some crafts, and tying up some loose ends, we headed across the hall to Mrs. Gallegos’ room to join another second grade for our party!  The children were welcomed to the room by Conductor Stokes, got their tickets punched, and found a cozy spot to watch the movie.  We took a brief break for recess to stretch our legs, and returned to the room for some popcorn and some “hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate”, as the movie suggests!  Ms. Underwood even delivered a special box from the North Pole.  It was a great day, and a great way to kick off the Winter Break!


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