Winter Clothes!

We had an exciting start to the week, with our first ground-covering snowfall!  The kids were all abuzz, and excited to dive in!  A few reminders, now that winter weather is upon us.  Please have children wear boots daily.  The children are outside for recess twice a day.  Wearing boots will help keep their feet warm and dry.  Even the pavement gets wet and slushy, so if children don’t have boots on, their feet will most likely end up soggy and cold.  Also, children should have appropriate clothing for the weather.  Remember, the weather can change throughout the day, and the wind can whip around our playground.  It is better to be safe, and prepared for the weather.  I would recommend the children wear a warm coat, hat, and mittens or gloves daily.  If there is snow on the ground, the children will need to wear snow pants to play on those parts of the playground that are covered in snow.


It is also a good idea for the children to keep an extra pair of socks, and even a pair of pants (if room allows) in their backpacks, for those days that the snow finds its way to places it shouldn’t.


It is so much fun to watch the children’s pure joy when playing in the snow!  It makes me want to break out my own snow clothes and have some fun with them!

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